Burning of the bull
June 30, 2022
Bull burning in Guatemala
The burning of the bull is part of the traditions of the culture of Guatemala City and is celebrated several times throughout the year. This bull is handmade with colored paper, wire and wrapped in fireworks. The burning of the bull is usually done in front of the churches, and inside the bull is placed a person who dances while the fireworks are on. The pepián can be made with chicken, pork or beef. Also by combining pieces of the three animal sources. While cooking the meat in water with vegetables, onions, tomatoes, miltomate, sesame seeds, pepitoria, chili, garlic, cinnamon and banana peel are browned in a little oil. When ready, the dressings are liquefied with some of the broth left over from the meat and cooked with coriander branches until the sauce thickens; the pieces of meat and vegetables are added.
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